Week Commencing: Nov 14


Where has November gone? Already I’m starting to make lists for Christmas; what does Mumma B want, what does Char Balds wants, WHAT CAN I AFFORD. I want to write a post about London living soon (it feels a little soon a couple of months in) but has been a bit of a shock in terms of money. It’s not really every day things but as EVERYONE says renting is just well, sickening. (I’ve been watching a lot of Ru Paul #yaaaas.) This week has been pretttty horrible, but I want to feel positive, so here’s a week in my life.

GYM LIFE (and new outfit) 

As some of you will have seen – (if you add me on Instagram.) I’ve been a little Gym Mad recently. I’ve been on a little bit of a weight loss campaign which I might update you on, I don’t know whether that’s something you would want to see?) But I invested in a couple of new tops, bottoms and this new Greenwich University Water Bottle. I drink no-where near the recommended amount but having this water bottle (in the most the yellow colour,) means I never forget it or lose it!



I’ve recently started The Girl in the Spider’s Web by David Lagercrantz. I can’t lie it’s been a little while since I read anything from the Millenium Series so I’m struggling a little to remember. It’s always awkward when you leave a series a couple of years back and then have to try and sink yourself back into the story. I have to admit I can tell it’s not the original author, but I’m not hating on it. Review to come soon!


Views from our flat

I will move on and start talking about things that aren’t our beautiful flat soon but honestly, this view in the morning whilst eating my scrambley eggs on toast is just fantastic. I find it hard to start the day in anything other than a really brilliant mood because of this view. Imagine me, sat in my unicorn pyjamas, eating breakfast on the sofa with Ru Paul and then seeing this view – #happydays.


The Greenwich Union Pub 

Gah, T and I love this place so much! I think I mentioned that my Dad was born in Greenwich so there’s a lot of family history in Greenwich. If you walk from my street cross the road and walk forwards you walk past where my Great Nana and my own Nana used to live and then you come to this pub which is PERFECTION. They have over 150 beautiful beers for all tastes, and a fantastic looking food menu. T and I are going back soon to try it out!


Warm Clothes (THANK YOU STOKE.)

Moving to London I thought – oh my it will be blue skies, and wonderous Sun. It is still November and it is BLOODY COLD. I think living in Stoke where it rained almost 24/7 has prepared me. I’ve been wearing a blanket like Poncho all week and it is just the snuggliest thing eva. (Sorry for another feet photo.)


So there you go, another week in the life of Lizzy. I should also mention here that I’ve written four book reviews and it just felt so good to get back into it. I’m happiest when I’m writing and I’ve missed my blog hugely. I think currently there will only be one review a week but they’ll all be fantastic books that I hope you enjoy.

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